Why Cumberland?

Cumberland, Maryland —  
Affordable Lifestyle. Attainable Results.

In today’s world, containing costs while growing your business can mean the difference between success and failure. Cost containment can be a challenge for the most savvy management team—easy access to clients and customers is a must, but so is an affordable location. In Cumberland, Maryland, you have both.

Safe streets, quiet tree-lined neighborhoods, outdoor recreation, good schools—all things you want for your family. In Cumberland, you have them and more, just a few minutes from where you work. No commute to speak of. The convenience of where you work gives you more time with your family, and more time to grow your business.

When it comes to recruitment, Cumberland and Allegany County are serious about wanting your business. Large or small, the City has a variety of incentives that can help your business locate here. Cumberland is part of the largest Enterprise Zone in the State of Maryland. Historic Tax Credits and a Lenders Loan Pool make locating in the Central Business District very appealing. From One Maryland, to Micro-enterprise Programs, to a Business Resource Center, Cumberland has the resources your business needs to be successful.

Allegany County Brief Economic Fact Sheet

The Benefits of Doing Business in Cumberland (brochure)

Imagining the Possibilities?

“We decided this is a place we wanted to be.”

“You don’t have to choose quality of life over success in your business.”

“Cumberland vaulted to the top of our list. It’s got all of the major things we want.”